Thursday 9 February 2012

situs jejaring sosial baru “cintagembell”

saya pernah mencoba membuat situs jejaring sosial gratisan seperti ya lumayan buat cari pengalaman belajar bloging dari pada gak ada ide-ide menarik lain nya ahirnya saya pun mencoba segala hal untuk saya terapkan di dalam diri pribadi, siapa sich yang gk mau sukses pasti semua orang memiliki keinginan seperti itu, yang pertama yang harus saya lakukan adaah memulai dari diri sendiri terus berkembang menjadi kehidupan pribadi yang positip dan mudah-mudahan ketekunan dan istiqomah pada munasabah diri bisa berkembang menjadi energi positip yang bisa melular kepada semua orang di sekitar kita dan itulah intinya.
pergaulan yang banyak sangat membatu saya menemukan ide-ide yang tidak membosankan anda pasti pernah merasa menjadi sensitif dengan ide yang hebat bukan mari temukan teman anda di sini dan buat lah diri anda mempunyai pergaulan yang luas dan ciptaka ide-ide gila anda
janagan pernah merasa anda menjadi seseorang yang gagal karena anda adalah seorang yang terpilih untuk melakukan sosial dan meyebarkan segala rahmat tuhan, gunakan lah segala anugrah yang terdapat pada diri anda sebagai alat untuk menciptakan sesuatu yang membuat semua orang telah menghargai hasil perjuangan hidup anda, tidak ada yang mustahil di dunia ini yang pertama kali yang harus anda hadapi adalah diri anda sendiri, lalu mulailah dengan diri anda sekarang juga LOG IN

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Pakistani Girls Pictures wallpaper

Pakistani girls are the most beautiful girl in the world. Pakistani girl, even though they are shy, but as dull reality they are not so shy when they are with their friends.

The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a country bearing deep ethnic inheritance. Crafts land globally famous. Pakistani handmade silver, leather, marble, and the wool trade in goods are touristed worldwide. Pakistani ordinary clothes, in addition to the acquisition of attraction Alll over the world. For exaample; ajrak (Sindhi ordinary shawl) and Sindhi topi excogitates civilization Sindhi people. Likewise, all the states and provinces of Pakistan has its own private street clothes that show their ethnic inheritance. Chitrali, Hunza and gilgiti caps and theme of the famous. Pakistani Cover girls contrastive with multicolored embroidery on it, decorated with peacock feathers butterfly on the front cover.

Summer Season and Skin Protection

We all know that summer season has ended and Rainy season or Monsoon started. Summer season is thought to be a joy in many countries but Pakistani doesn’t like this season because it tortures through heat than fun or joke. People can’t do the work properly not in office as well as in home due to the high temperature.
As we know girls are always careful and conscious about her skin beauty because summer season creates some dangerous victims for girls. College girls as well as working girls bear skin problems in summer season but many of college and working girls use sun block at their hands and face for skin protections.

Summer Season and Skin Protection

We all know that summer season has ended and Rainy season or Monsoon started. Summer season is thought to be a joy in many countries but Pakistani doesn’t like this season because it tortures through heat than fun or joke. People can’t do the work properly not in office as well as in home due to the high temperature.
As we know girls are always careful and conscious about her skin beauty because summer season creates some dangerous victims for girls. College girls as well as working girls bear skin problems in summer season but many of college and working girls use sun block at their hands and face for skin protections.
Resham Batool sends this paragraph from Sialkot and this Sialkot Girl is a regular reader of this Pakistani Girls forum. And Resham is waiting for your skin tips from comments.

Hollywood Lovely Actress

Bangladeshi lovely Girls photo

Sexy Pakistani Girls


Islamabad Girl Studying In The Edinburgh Of University

Sadaf Mirza is living in the 2nd largest city of Scotland and the 7th populous city in UK and she is doing MBA in University of Edinburgh, sent her photos and words through email. One million overseas come to Edinburgh every year and it is the 2nd most favorite city for tourist after London in United Kingdom. She tells that she her father belongs to Islamabad Pakistan and her mother is from Paris. And her University acquire about forty-seven thousands applications in one year and it is the third most famous university in UK due to the volume of applicants. In the end, Sadaf say to come in her University for more education because University of Edinburgh is the best institute for education and you will find a highly qualified teaching staff here.

Древние индийские одежды мода обычно используется не шить

Древние индийские одежды мода обычно используется не шить, хотя индейцы знали о шитье. Большинство одежды были готовы носить, как только они вышли из тени. Традиционные индийские дхоти, шарф или Uttariya и популярных Тюрбан еще видны Индии и продолжают быть частью индийской моды. Кроме того, для женщин, дхоти или Сари в качестве нижней одежды, в сочетании с Stanapatta формы основного ансамбля, и еще раз состоит из одежды, которые не должны быть сшиты, stanapatta быть просто закрепляются в узел на затылке. И дхоти или Сари носили покрытие обеих ног в то же время или, в качестве альтернативы, с одним концом он прошел между ног и скрываются на спине в моде, которая по-прежнему распространен в обширном районе Индии. Индийская мужчин и женщин за эти одежды обычно горячий индийский климат. - Дхоти, когда он говорит о "тюрбанах использоваться для брюк, и kaupina, когда он говорит о" тряпка двух пальцев широта грань по пояснице.

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